Eco organic area

Europa Trays

The traditional rectangular tray revisited using material of the highest quality. Attention to detail has been made, from the lipped edge to the breathable base which makes it pleasing on the eye and functional in its use.

Technical features

Extremely rigid
100% waterproof
30% greaseproof
Up to 50% savings on CONAI tax ( paper recycling) 
Breathable base
Product suitable for metal detectors


Customization Gallery


Can be embossed in central oval

Code Numbering Size in mm edge to edge Pieces per Pack
  AC Milano    
EUROPA2 2 2 140x190 350 (2x175)
EUROPA2b 2B 2B 150x220 300 (2x150)
EUROPA3 3 3 170x240 250 (2x125)
EUROPA3L 3L 4 190x270 200 (2x100)
EUROPA4 4 5 200x300 200 (2x100)
EUROPA5 5 6 230x320 120 (2x60)
EUROPA6 6 7 260x350 100 (2x50)
EUROPA7 7 8 290x385 100 (2x50)
EUROPA7b 7B 8B 310x420 80
EUROPA8 * 8 9 340x470 60
EUROPA9 * 9 10 370x505 50
EUROPA10 * 10 11 420x550 50
Packed in boxes with smaller inner shrink wrapped packs.
The products comply to the current regulations for food contact and are complete with certifications, technical data sheet  and traceability.


Greaseproof and waterproof

You can find these exclusive characteristics even on the rear side for the sizes 8/9/10 where more strength is needed and where there is a higher quantity of greasy and wet substances to which the product must resist.

Repellente ambo i lati rettangolare